On behalf of the members of the Inuit Art Society, welcome you to our website! We have members in more than 18 states and four Canadian provinces who share an interest in the arts, culture, and environment of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic. We hope that you will consider joining us.
The IAS primarily serves its members through this website, virtual meetings, and annual meetings. Our meetings feature established and emerging Inuit artists, Arctic travelers, and informed experts and collectors who share their experiences and expertise with us. We find our informal interactions with fellow Inuit art collectors at our annual meetings to be as valuable and interesting as the formal presentations, and we encourage your attendance and participation when you become a member.
A volunteer organization such as ours is only as strong as its members make it, and we each bring our own unique experiences and knowledge to the IAS. Our members share their experiences and knowledge with us, and we invite you to let us know your expectations for what the IAS should provide to you.
You’ll find additional information about the IAS, including our organization and leadership, on our About Us page.
Thank you for taking the time to browse our website. We hope it will entice you to join us!